Third Chakra - Manipura (Lustrous Jewel) - Nabhi - Solar Plexus - Fire
3rd Chakra is the center for manifestation. Here we establish and maintain our self worth, self esteem, confidence, intensity, personal power, and freedom of choice. The 3rd Chakra is the seat of the ego; helping us choose our ultimate path in life. This is the place of our inner knowing and gut instincts.

3rd Chakra is located below the sternum and over the stomach. The third chakra is situated at the base of the rib cage. This chakra is represented by the yellow Manipura mandala (jewel city) and is also symbolized by birds. It is the foundation of the metal body, and it enables us to pick up vibrations and essences from people, places and things, it also involves personal power, energy and self-control, emotional issues and issues of self-acceptance. This chakra physically influences muscles, stomach, digestion, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, metabolism and the nervous system. When the third chakra is balanced it brings the capacity to accomplish that which we want and allows us to relax and enjoy these accomplishments. We are able to successfully wield our own power and will which attracts prosperity and balance in turn allowing us to feel safe and secure. We are more disciplined and better able to organize, able to deal with changes and see that they lead to new and better things. Life seems better and we are able to concentrate on learning. A lack of balance in the third chakra may be due to a lack of balance in the first two Chakras. If this chakra is not working properly it is inclined to create negative influences in the physical this can be seen in the form of ulcers, digestive problems or liver and pancreas complaints, it can lead to anger and frustration, as well as problems dealing with power and authority. Anger is the product of to much self-power, everything feels like an up hill struggle which is full of conflicts. Frustration is the product of to little self-power everything feels to demanding and others place too many demands on us.

The Empowered Protection Stone and Aromatherapy Kit contains a candle, essential oil blend and protections crystals particularly good for a weak 3rd Chakra.
Being aware of an imbalance of the third chakra is very important because it highlights our understanding of our own inner workings. This allows us to look within and reclaim the balance, our own power, allowing us to move forward with self-confidence.
Herbs - Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis) and Lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis)
Incense - Carnation, Cinnamon and Marigold
Essential Oils - Clary Sage, Juniper, Bergamot, Cassia, Clove, Coriander, Fennel, Ginger, Grapefruit, Wintergreen and Geranium
Balancing Blend - 3 drops Lemongrass, 2 drops Petigrain, 1 drop Tea Tree
Glands - Thyroid
Organs - Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Small Intestine, Muscles
Musical Note - E / Ahm
Vowel sound – O (top)
Chakra Element – Fire
Sense – Sight

Aries Astrology dreamcatcher is particularly beneficial for the Manipura Chakra.
Astrological Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Crystals/Stones - Citrine and gold calcite (underactive)
Amber, Moonstone and Peridot (overactive)
tiger eye, opal, yellow diamond, gold topaz, and gold (general balance)

Inquire about our genuine amber jewelry available in bracelet, necklaces and earrings. Contact us at:
Colors - that effects the 3rd Chakra is yellow
Mantra - "I am one with the power of the Universe”
"I am powerful, confident, and successful in all my ventures"
We are happy to custom make an aromatherapy blend, stones kit, jewelry or dreamcatcher for your personal needs.